Majority find abortion ‘gruesome, evil’ | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror

2022-09-17 13:20:51 By : Ms. Cecilia Zhu

I find it ironic that on the front page of the Aug. 24 Mirror, you reported the closure of the obstetric delivery services at Conemaugh Nason Medical Center and then on that same page ran a propaganda piece lamenting the lack of abortion clinics in North Central Pennsylvania (Spotlight PA).

The real reason for the lack of abortion providers is that a majority there find elective abortion as a gruesome, intrinsically evil procedure and do not want a killing center in their community.

Had the article been balanced, it might have included the following scientific facts: An unborn baby’s heart begins to beat at five weeks. By week nine, the baby’s head and limbs are formed, brain waves are measurable, it can open and close fists and circulatory and urinary systems are functioning (according to Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle webpage).

Nor did the article honestly describe types of abortion procedures.

For example, during a first trimester suction abortion, a high powered vacuum is inserted into the uterus and the baby is ripped apart and then deposited into a suction cannister.

The clinic workers then reassemble the baby’s parts on a towel to ensure that nothing was left behind that could cause an infection.

During a chemical abortion (up to 12 weeks), a two-pill cocktail — mifepristone (RU-486) and misprostol — are ingested, causing the small unborn baby to detach from the uterine wall and then be expelled.

For actual photos of all standard abortion procedures, visit the Wisconsin Right to Life webpage.

No euphemisms, slogans, or pithy chants can stand up to these scientific facts or photos.

Therefore I ask, why, as a society, can’t we love both mother and child during an unplanned pregnancy and provide a safety net of care and support so that all may live?

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